The mind means truth,
morality is concerned with duty,
but taste brings us to art and beauty.
The end does not justify the means ...
We can not achieve human values using means that are in themselves a waste of humanity!
Important battles are not those that end with gold medals, but the golden battle is your internal battle to overcome obstacles.
If you want to corrupt or reform society, make sure to use the weapon of art, it is left to the heart and filled with enthusiasm and paid for what you want to do.
The writer may strike in the conclusion of a rule and make mistakes in using it to read the reality around it.
It is necessary to know the principles and tools of thinking of the writer and the intellectual environment surrounding him at the time before reading his interpretations of reality.
Unless art and the media carry a message to liberate man;
it is a tool to abolish his humanity!
Socrates did not suffer from poison, as he suffered from the atonement of the Athenian society and his refusal to hear the voice of reason and wisdom.
A young man came to Hakim and said: "I have in myself a wolf who wrestles one of them calls me good and the other evil,
The wise said:
The victor will feed him.
The path of human integration towards an effective high society can not pass without an ethical system that is universally accepted and protected by law.
Active healthy mind treasure.
Humble small obstacles and conscious how to seek to remove big obstacles.
Tolerance is a great creation, expressing the nobility of the soul and its fabric.
Careful caution of information materials is nice shape, corrupting mind and identity.
Do not make all your knowledge sources of communication sites!
The integration of man in his quest for knowledge and then work and commitment to what he knew.
The rain of heavy thoughts that surround us needs a firewall, criticizes the intruder and the sinner, passes the correct, forming a proper knowledge wall facing the flood.
If the realization of a sound mind is met with concerted efforts, achievements will be realized.
The strong is not the strong muscle, but the strong mind that can distinguish the right from wrong and control the emotions
Science is useful lifeline, and cling to it.
Art is purposeful once it provokes you to think.
The correct vision of life, the universe and the assets we have avoided moments wasted in the desert and despair and humor.
The fall is painful and may cause losses, but it is never the end
Because of the human nature of continuous attempts to advance and look for the better.
The greatest and most influential arts in mankind are the arts that come out of ideas and philosophies.
In a turbulent world of ideas, skilled in intellectual swimming is the survivor of drowning.
Praise be to those who keep their fun and leave a good impact, and did not let the difficulties to spoil his soul and take away his purity.
There is no life without difficulties and challenges.
The soul of the multitude of praise turns to Pharaoh.
It is not right for the mind and the heart to clash, in that the loss of man
But happiness is in their harmony and cooperation for his good.
The most deadly hurricane in humans and civilization and progress is the tyranny of human greed and its exaggerated passion for matter.
You may be a nice person for a long time and no one will notice you, but once you make a mistake everyone will turn to you!
Knowledge is precious, does not reveal itself only to those who prepare for it and strive.
Instills the love of children in the hearts of parents to be motivated to care and care for that innocent self.
Whoever mutilated his mushroom would not be able to do his part.
Honest knowledge is the wise way of building civilization, confronting the invasion of ideas and the time machine of sailing in a world that is not limited by time or place.
Flag without ethics; as a bird in one wing.
He can not fly, and he remains on the ground in agony.
Our minds are continually subjected to attempts to mix ideas and distort facts, that is the way to control us.
The solution?
Protection is the identification of the principles of correct thinking and the basis of that distortion.
A reasonable person does not underestimate any error, no matter how simple, he knows for sure that lusts and vices drag each other like the fire that burns the pregnant and then spread throughout his body.
His well-established mind is steadfast in front of the streams of mind manipulation, quite like a beacon in the midst of a raging sea.
It is wrong to think that slavery ends with the abolition of the slave trade. The materialistic, utilitarian and pervasive mindset of our culture does not consider man a commodity to be sold and bought.
Art work is measured in terms of the value it gives to society. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the presentation of family, social and historical drama aimed at constructive ideas in the interest of society.
When ideas separate us from reality, ideas must connect us to reality and help us to improve it.
The greatest calamities are loss of identity, purpose and meaning.
Tools and means should not concern us with goals and objectives.
The abundance of lies and deception does not mean the disappearance of truth and loss; the truth is a phenomenon for those who wanted to access it and have the keys to thinking.
Ethics is a behavioral system connected to one another; it is not just "do and do" instructions; it is a set of actions that are truly justice.
The wise community is the first refuge in the dispute is dialogue and discussion and mental analysis to reach the basis of the problem. This is what we must strive for and this is what we should teach our future men.
If there is something wrong with you, I will give it up.
The wrong habits of imprisonment prevents a person from collecting his happiness.
What is the greatest task of building man.
No stability without certainty
The strength of society is derived from a state of autism, solidarity and social solidarity.
The strength of society is derived from a state of autism, solidarity and social solidarity.
Indulgence in delusions weighs the mind and weakens the preparation for what is the greatest of science and knowledge