If only human body, why sometimes lose the manifestations of wellness, such as activity and the desire for life despite the absence of his body from diseases?
So there must be another moral aspect.
In your opinion how to maintain the moral well-being and integrity?
A piece of bread eaten in a quiet place is better than a feast to be attended by
The material thought that invades the world aims to manufacture a human being who cares only to satisfy his physical and material needs, which ultimately results in a materialistic, empty human being of values and morals.
Sacrifice and altruism are created so high that it may give life to a society that is at the end or death.
There are those who do not read
There are those who read the lines
There are those who read between the lines
He who understands the contents of the books to lay down his thought and to beautify his creation will increase wisdom.
Decorating science with ethics is essential,
moral advancement with scientific progress is the essence of useful civilization.
If the environment around you is bad then you are the nucleus of change for the better, the freshwater lake begins with a drop.
Not every writer is intellectually opinionated necessarily.
In order to produce reason and think correctly,
we must first liberate it from the rigidity of wrong thought and the obstacles to thinking,
and then begin to use the rules of logical thinking
Do not know that perhaps the good work that you calculate is small and produces a lot of good.
No matter how narrow minds are bound to think between black and white, the right minds should hold on to logical thinking to search for the truth.

Today's children are the men of tomorrow,
let us create the leaders and intellectuals,
and educate them on reason and virtue.
Convinced who believes that the road to happiness is easy fast; to be effort and a lot of sacrifices that increase the accessibility.
To say there is a good work of art but not understood by the general public as if we say that there is very good food but most people can not eat it!
The prevalence of error does not make it right.
The spread of ignorance and lack of awareness makes any people a raw material for manipulation and intellectual and cultural invasion.
Honest knowledge is the first step to freedom from the constraints of ignorance, the capture of lusts, and the crimes of anger.
What afflicts the world in an area affects us all.
Either unite for survival or unilateralism towards destruction.
Imagine this car of our human society, if it continues to walk without controls, it will inevitably collide and disaster.
Society must also follow the social "rules of passage" in order to achieve peace and security for it and for other societies.
One of the conditions of development and civilized development is to establish our relations on justice and mutual respect.
One of the most important characteristics of humanity is the ability to transcend narrow self towards higher value and greater meaning.
Recognize the mistake and apologize for it courage; cut half the way towards solving problems, and restoring relations.
who am I? where am I? Where will I go? Where is the road?
The crucial questions to be answered by man, the questions that answer equal to human life and worth.
Recognize the mistake and apologize for it courage;
cut half the way towards solving problems,
and restoring relations.
If wars are one of the most lucrative industries, how can there be peace in a world filled with a brutal capitalist materialistic culture?
If you know this game or the like, I can remind you of the number of fights that this game caused between your friends!
Mono (one) Poly (many): One person controls the majority of things.
It is the material that fascinated humanity, whether it was a game or reality!