lundi 31 juillet 2017

dimanche 30 juillet 2017

samedi 29 juillet 2017

Ethics and its impact on the individual and society

Ethics and its impact on the individual and society

Creation is a state of the soul calling for its actions without thinking or narration, as Ibn Muskawi said. In the sense that the Creator of his will is subordinate to his creation, and act under the will of creation. For example, a neighbor burns his house; his neighbor sitting at the same moment - eating with his children - is rushing to find his neighbor without thinking about anything else. He controls his will to save his neighbor is the controlling and dominant act at this moment and not sit with his children.

We, the human beings, observe ethics with their external effects on their owners. In the previous example, we can say that this man is created by the creation of the rescue of the mulhuf, and we can also say that he is the author of a good creation in the special sense.

We can also distinguish between good creation and bad creation. This is another one who has a shop and has assistant workers in the shop, and the most deal with them be rude and tough and the blind. So we can judge him as a rude, rude, miserable man. And that he is also the author of evil creation.

Ethics is like the source that tells the plants, if it is a net leaf of the albumin; the plants were ripe and good looking, although the spring was a corrupt, polluted pollen; Morality is a reflection of the human soul.

And because a reasonable person loves all that is good and beautiful and good; always seeks to purify himself from what has been caused by bad morals. As he purifies his garment from the dirt and dirt, purifies himself from what was imprinted on them from the wrongs and vices. Because he wants to be happy with himself as he is happy with his erect body standing above all other beings.

And ethics of self-established the level of stability, including what is temporary did not have the period necessary to be able to self and be a well-established character. If these qualities are well established, then grant them generosity to their owners and those around them. Even if it is bad and bad for the Creator and those around him. Ethics is a reflection of one particular and the other in general; it is reflected on the owner and his personality in particular, and it also reflected on the society as a whole; this owner of this deal with others in the company, in the factory, in the school, in the hospital ... etc. Let us imagine what will happen to a company in a country if its manager is good-natured, kind, appreciative of the efforts of his staff. And what will happen to this company if its manager is a bad man and is destined for the efforts of his staff ?!

There is no doubt that we have realized that morality affects not only the individual but also around him and his surroundings. The individual is the nucleus of a society with good morals. For example, in one of the Western countries, the lighting of the entire city was cut off. A restaurant owner recalls that his restaurant was crowded that night with customers and the owner of the restaurant was surprised by the return of lighting to the city and to his restaurant that all the customers had left the restaurant without They charge for the price of their meals !! Ethics, if not a ruler in a society, is to see the most scientifically advanced societies measured by the scars of immorality.

Just as the plant takes care and continues until we get the best fruit, so too good creation needs to be observed and followed so that it can in the soul and obtain the individual happiness of the creator, as well as happiness and benefit to the community with his beneficial participation.

And follow the good morals and self-planting, and the rejection of bad morals need to be sincerity and patient patience. When a lie begins, the person calls it names that conceal the truth of the bad lie. For example, the term "white lie" is used to justify itself as something that does not do anything, then continues and continues until the lie becomes an inherent feature in itself. So is the just good creation. When a person begins to treat his bad creation, for example, he begins to pressure himself because he violates it and gives it even a little, then it is given, and it is given until he begins to show himself as generosity.

Good morals live up to man and raise him to perfection until it deserves the succession of the wise God in the earth. Good morals are always the way to the truth.

Shrinking and changing the nature of life, a permanent expectation of life free of events and fluctuations expected is not related to reality. But stability is within man when his vision of the universe is upright and seeks to achieve its value.

Shrinking and changing the nature of life, a permanent expectation of life free of events and fluctuations expected is not related to reality.
But stability is within man when his vision of the universe is upright and seeks to achieve its value.

vendredi 28 juillet 2017

In order to achieve a stable world order that allows the developed economies of the world to play their role without intervention by the Third World, there must be continuous intervention by the developed nations and perhaps preventive measures towards other nations.

In order to achieve a stable world order that allows the developed economies of the world to play their role without intervention by the Third World, there must be continuous intervention by the developed nations and perhaps preventive measures towards other nations.

What the ignorant do not know with their material strength is that from the Sunnah of the fixed universe that if the peoples arose and sacrificed for the sake of truth, nothing could stand in their face.

What the ignorant do not know about their physical power is that the fundamentals of the fixed universe are that if the people revolted and sacrificed for the sake of truth, nothing could stand in their face.

The high motivation will be as easy as hardship Do not rest in soft and do not break in hard

The high motivation will be as easy as hardship
Do not rest in soft and do not break in hard

dimanche 23 juillet 2017

If one of us went to a natural place to know why he went to him, and will not be patient about the possibility of his presence in that place without knowing the reason! Why does not man ask the same urgency about why he is in this life and what is the purpose behind being here? Where will he go? What should he do?

If one of us went to a natural place to know why he went to him, and will not be patient about the possibility of his presence in that place without knowing the reason!

Why does not man ask the same urgency about why he is in this life and what is the purpose behind being here? Where will he go? What should he do?

How much of the outward appearance deceive some of them with their strength, and their fate was broken.

How much of the outward appearance deceive some of them with their strength, and their fate was broken.

If the cultural invasion succeeds in persuading the actors in the nation to do what it wants, it is convinced. There is no need to make efforts.

If the cultural invasion succeeds in persuading the actors in the nation to do what it wants, it is convinced.
There is no need to make efforts.

samedi 22 juillet 2017

Keep in touch with your friends; a good companion may have a bright light that you may not realize unless you are darkened by life.

Keep in touch with your friends; a good companion may have a bright light that you may not realize unless you are darkened by life.

Hardship is not daunting!

Hardship is not daunting!

Want to succeed in your life?

You want to ask for knowledge and raise it?

Want to gain sound habits and get rid of other bad?

Want to gain a good sense of humor?

There is one way for any of this, evidenced by the mind, and alerted to him scientists and reformers and guides, which is hard work, and self-jihad, and work against desires and whims, to reach your destination.

A hard road is painful, right?

This is what drives us to surrender, to leave the road, and to return to our favorite places of comfort.

This is natural, because the human nature of happiness and pleasure, not loving the misery and pain, so when he finds a difficult and painful path will inevitably alienate himself and leave him, and will fail in his intention.

So what is the solution? Is there any hope that we will follow the painful and painful path?

Let me tell you, there is no hope!

There is no hope as long as you see it as hard and painful, as long as you see only the torment and misery, as long as you can only benefit from the bites and shocks.

Who came to the end of the road, had a different outlook, they saw happiness, pleasure and joy.

Is not this the way that your mind has touched your happiness? The way to achieve your goal and reach for your beautiful ends? Is not this end cheerful and delicious? Is not every step on the road a step towards happiness and proximity?

The true happiness of the human being and his ultimate goal are in following his mind, reaching his sound goals in which he is perfect, his happiness in collecting knowledge that he elevates, and habits and morals that transcend himself and his soul.

Every small success, every short step in the way, in which man finds pleasure, all new knowledge and information have joy, and every habit and create good for him joy, and every behavior is good for him an ecstasy.

So where does hardship come from?

Only sometimes do our fantasies and fantasies, our delusions and internal demons deceive us with the tendency of sloth, and the false and false comfort zones, demanding false comfort and deceitful stability, blocking those pleasures and true delights, following the false past and the present without change.

But keeping these pests, the eye of misery, misery and pain as you know, is the fear that torments your spirit every morning and prompts you to try to change your reality. The trick of leaving here is like the difficulty of taking a little medicine to get a full and delicious recovery. Once you have started the steps and attention to the above mentioned funnels, forget about these hardships and be preoccupied with them. But in fact the medicine taste sweet and not bitter! But it is your poor appetite that is accustomed to the disease that you have repudiated, and when you recover, you will take it.

The body may also be aware of the tracking of the flying souls towards the chandelier, but it is a fast-moving fatigue that leaves little sleep or rest.

The joy and the joy of the soul and the delights of the soul and the delusions of the deceptive self. .

Remember that and always alert him, if you see in the road other than the pain of the body and the labor of the soul, and failed to recognize his beauty you will deny it.

Great trick to shop for us: "The road to happiness is no happiness"! But in fact the road is the eye of happiness, and its hardship - in fact - is not arduous.

vendredi 21 juillet 2017

Of similar days without adding the deal of good creation or acquisition of new information or introduce happiness to the heart of a person even with a simple smile; Sorry my friend has wronged yourself!

Of similar days without adding the deal of good creation or acquisition of new information or introduce happiness to the heart of a person even with a simple smile; Sorry my friend has wronged yourself!

What do strangers think about?

What do strangers think about?

In these moments of suffocating calm, which almost kills a person from the pain of loneliness, the details of life are clearer. Here are moments of frankness with the soul. At this moment, you can only find yourself to touch and talk to you! Frankly, I do not know how those strangers who lived with them until decades passed away from home, or perhaps returned after being destroyed by the days, months and years. They became depleted, depleted bodies, like the old elephants of the ancestral cemetery, to join them. Perhaps it is a black image that can not be heard - not to believe - all my friends passionate about travel, he does not see in the alien only money and pleasure and change and lower then more money and pleasure and the minimum.

But they do not think about the equation as a whole. They do not think about the moment when you come back after a noisy and enjoyable night with your friends to your little house. You open the door, and you do not find anyone handing over to you, you can not find the warm embrace you used to and the familiar sounds that come to you when you enter. The simple things we deal with every day in our home as an already acquired right, you will not find! Only you will find those terrible moments of silence then silence and then more silence. It will not be interrupted except perhaps your talk with yourself or some of the verses from your Bible or chanting from here and there. All this is not because you want to hear or read or hesitation, but only to escape that terrible silence, just to forget that you are here all alone!

I will receive a lot of criticism and ridicule and perhaps anger and ridicule of this view. I fully understand that, for many, I am now "overcome with grace", a denial of the good and the lonely. I imagine maybe someone - but I'm sure - will tell me you're counting on your home you love and go instead of you to enjoy and take that chance that you do not seem to like very much! I do not blame any of those voices that may now make me laugh. I saw some things in my life and I imagined seeing them at first glance as easy, but when I tried them myself I realized their difficulties and sometimes my inability.

But what are the untidy things I'm talking about? What do I want? What is my purpose in this? Perhaps it is my most out-of-order writing, but that is because it reflects what I feel, the confusion and confusion between conflicting feelings and conflicting decisions. I chose to write in the midst of that unbalanced psychological state to be my words emanating not only from her description and expression. I am now part of the actual dialogue between myself and myself. I do not know. Am I happy or sad? Enthusiastic or lazy? Exhausted or hesitant? Without a point of origin attached to me by the safety cord I will inevitably draw into the waters of these violent seas. Waves, storms, storms and fast-paced events are almost as engulfing as the drowning water is about to perish, and without a life jacket you will find yourself already finished.

I try to calm down and control my feelings. I do not forget how much I felt like a helpless little child when a student took me six years younger than my official papers. I used to laugh, take me here and then, talk to the staff in his own language, which I do not know and speak in my name many times. I know they are talking about me, they ask me some questions and I answer them in English, which I know very little about. What is that thing that I lack? I may remember those days that I spent without reassuring my friends and relatives. I hope that those moments will come back now to speak to them and hear their fresh voices, which would have been so much of me in these bad situations.

All the false masks that I wore in my country fall from my face with ease when I face this terrible silence, the silence of alienation, silence in the midst of the noise. You hear the sounds but do not understand, the laughs are issued, but without feeling happy, the sadness and sorrow burn you, but no one hugs you or reassures you. Is already a strange, heavy word that probably will not realize its meaning except from a visibly encountered statement.

But in the middle of all that darkness and pessimism that may have overtaken my writing this time, it does not push me to continue but a glimmer of light in the last tunnel of painful dark gloom. I came here because I have a cause and a goal to pursue. I am not here on a picnic or holiday to enjoy myself. If I expect pleasure, I will certainly be disappointed because I will not find any pleasure here, except perhaps short moments of the experience of the new and the uncommon, perhaps the stinking of this fearsome silence I try to escape. But this is not a sufficient reason alone so I can continue the journey.

I came to live even a small part of what I write about him and I lecture about him and I call him in my words and my opinion and my writings. I did not come to turn into a huge billboard for the West or to help paint the rosy picture of life in exile. I have come to break the idol of strangers in my heart. That magic key and the lamp of Aladdin, which depicts the media and the cultural invasion, which in our minds is the solution to all our problems and crises. A belief that destroyed many principles and destroyed many of the nation's human and material capabilities and destroyed many of the previous and future generations that have suffered and continue to suffer from the family instability that results from alienation.

I can now look deeper into myself, taking advantage of the silence that reveals the details of the soul and its shortcomings in order to deal with it and return to my homeland after a period of recovery and cleansing, a person who has won over his desires and anger and has been able to devote his time and effort to work to achieve a list of specific goals. And is now returning to his homeland to serve the vulnerable and develop in the lofty construction left by his grandparents and parents after suffering and effort over thousands of years. A heritage that is cherished only by those who know its true value and live it, and not underestimate it except that its mentality has been lost in the face of the Western cultural invasion, which distorts all that remains of our heritage and our national identity. Only with this mentality can I overcome the darkness of this gloomy absence.

In the physical vision, people either served you or your masters, but in a just society, people are brothers who are equal in rights and duties. Only mind and morality distinguish them

In the physical vision, people either served you or your masters,
but in a just society, people are brothers who are equal in rights and duties.
Only mind and morality distinguish them

Sometimes circumstances may have to give up part of ourselves or something we love in order to harmonize and accept societal. But to what extent? What are the foundations for what can be abandoned and what can not be abandoned?

Sometimes circumstances may have to give up part of ourselves or something we love in order to harmonize and accept societal.

But to what extent? 

What are the foundations for what can be abandoned and what can not be abandoned?

Altruism to offer others what they lack even if you need more to him, and find that creation only in the dignity of souls.

Altruism to offer others what they lack even if you need more to him, and find that creation only in the dignity of souls.

lundi 17 juillet 2017

jeudi 13 juillet 2017

Science is like the sea, its beach is beautiful, its depth is full of treasures

Science is like the sea, its beach is beautiful, its depth is full of treasures

Talisman progress

Talisman progress

Human civilizations have built for themselves a world of different ideas and philosophies that reflect their view of its existence and purpose in existence. Civilizations and cultures have disappeared. Human history has witnessed a civilization that presents itself as a universal civilization. It has its own means and values ​​that provide us with the best interests of humanity, material civilization.

I admit that this civilization is characterized by sophistication in the media and media. They convinced us that development means the West and the Westerners. Those who want to join the developing countries seeking progress should follow the Western model and Westernization.

Yet, despite all these glamorous words and words and all this glamor, this progress which they claim to carry the happiness of humanity is the same as the progress of all humankind, and for all its luck, it is this civilization that has led the peoples to suffer from captivity And humiliation and wars and the spread of corrupt morals and false principles and the prevalence of corruption and deviation and disintegration of prisoners, even those countries that have established this civilization received a share of the trouble; if the moral status of these peoples has been compared to the present time, we find a moral degeneration of the current West Incredibly incredible, Dah paint the roof of their lives, but we will find high rates of depression, sadness, suicide, unity and disintegration of prisoners but also poverty in some areas.

They have deceived our eyes with physical progress, made standard and balance their own models, and made the call to catch up. Yet they did not provide the assistance to those countries that had turned down the call and turned towards Westernization; on the practical level they were not at all loyal, others were not allowed to follow material progress, we would see and hear about prosperity Made by their material progress, but to yearn for them and busy with them, we will be an open market for the disposal of their products and a deceptive ideology absent the veil of material and false ideas.

We are in front of a model that attributes progress and preference to all sides. In the eyes of many, development and progress must be according to the models that the West has drawn for us. It is a dangerous and wrong perception.
Therefore, we have to break this talisman, Talisman progress, must be before we receive a term and deal with it and let it affect our minds and our lives to understand and stand on the truth.

Western models came according to their standards, according to their conditions, ideas, principles and vision of the human being was their criterion is the article even if lost values ​​and ethics and loss of human truth and substance.

But if we look at the mental view of man, he is the successor of God in his land, provided him with the ability of the mind and ordered him to build the land in justice and created the universe with all its treasures for the reconstruction and creativity and uplift and rise in the process of human integration.

It is the view of man, that view that makes the difference between our principles and the principles of that civilization deep and deep, that view that makes us see it as weak and fragile and unstable.

We do not suspect things, and as Dr. Mohamed Emara says, "The crossing of thought, all thought of borders, all borders, is not wrong with the proponents of this civilization. The world is one homeland, one civilization, and the nations are just degrees and levels in this building of a single civilization." Whoever opposes this is the enemy of peace and docking. World and human unity.

They sell us illusion, they are freedom and happiness and the illusion of respect for the human and the liberation of women, we can only save moral deviation and distort the instinct and the disintegration of families and the enslavement of human either by constraint and war or lust.

We are not opposed to material progress, it is not wrong but on condition that it is a means not an end; a means of lifting and labeling human beings.

We do not oppose the universal civilization and the one nation, but without losing the human identity, we really want a civilization for humanity, serving all human beings and not the utilitarian interests of some human beings. Therefore, we must preserve our identity, which can revive a human civilization.

Any intellectual deviation that leads to the vacuum of society and feeling void even if it is strong economically and politically, must be intellectual independence and any culture associated with another culture contrary to it will lose the original culture of its existence does not reflect all thought and do not destroy all borders, only reflect the sciences and humanities such as physics, chemistry and medicine , But the principles and identities can not be compromised, thought is not a field of experience, the nations are rising no matter how long they rise up from the stalemate as long as their identity and culture.

We want a human civilization that is believed in the mind, based on it, which is directed towards the goodness of man.

The capital of human sage is decent morality, the exercise of sanity impossible without good morals, the goodness of the world with good ethics.

The capital of human sage is decent morality, the exercise of sanity impossible without good morals, the goodness of the world with good ethics.

mercredi 12 juillet 2017

It is natural for an individual to face us with multiple choices and alternatives, but it is not natural to choose before he understands. Awareness before the step protects many bad consequences.

It is natural for an individual to face us with multiple choices and alternatives, but it is not natural to choose before he understands.
Awareness before the step protects many bad consequences.

Are intellectuals the most gloomy people ?!

Are intellectuals the most gloomy people ?!

We have a mental image that intellectuals are depressed individuals and feel that they are suffering from depression and here are the increasing demands and advice that you let the reading and culture and enjoy your life you will not live only once Do not waste that life in the education of yourself and knowledge and its consequences are terrible and you will only find yourself a miserable person Suffering from depression, alienating you from people, and even may be an example to others who wish to withdraw towards you and their fate will be as miserable as you!

That mental image takes root day after day in the hands of many people and even publish and support them by giving examples of people close to them and how they became miserable because of their knowledge and reading!

I remember that one day I was with a group of friends and during our walk we found a man who looked handsome but looked mad. We all ignored him except for a friend of mine who went to talk to him and understand his story. He learned that he graduated from the Faculty of Science. And how well he is a good follower of all the developments that occur on the world stage, but has been frustrated and despair of what is happening because he believes that "No benefit"!

Are intellectuals really miserable? Or as Mutanabi said:

The mind is suffering in the bliss of his mind *** And brother ignorant in torment enjoy.

What is the reason for that ?!

Before we look for the reason we first understand who is the intellectual? What is frustration and despair?

In order to understand the relationship between culture and frustration and despair, we must first realize that in some cases, those who are preoccupied with the big issues and who bear the burden of change for the better on their own, are free of the excesses of things and sacrifice their happiness and enjoyment of material manifestations for their ultimate goal. Despair and frustration, it starts with frustration and then brings us to the point of surrender and a sense of helplessness and the desire for convergence.

The intellectual in our knowledge is the person who has a lot of information and knowledge to know a lot, but how to get educated from being a person who carries a lot of science to a frustrated person ?!

In this case the role of the intellectual is to collect the greatest amount of information and culture and has a heavy stock of this information and the problem comes when he begins to recognize the reality surrounding it and the extent of the crisis and then look at the outcome of his knowledge and culture and does not know how to benefit from that science to change the bad situation begins A feeling that he is unable to contribute to change and that all these readings have no value and then surrender to feelings of frustration, despair and self-containment.

So what is the solution to prevent ourselves from slipping into despair?

Do we refrain from reading and taking care of issues of society, progress and civilization, and indulge in the management of our daily lives ?!

Of course, this is not a solution. The right solution is to be aware and know how to use that information properly and properly so that we can use it to make our reality better and to seek to build a just society that is not like an ass carrying travel.

We have a lot of information and knowledge but do not know how to use it or take advantage of it and then we just become stores of information!

So that we do not fall into the so-called "blues of intellectuals" to abandon the illusion of culture and have the true culture that Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq said: that culture is to use what is known in the formation of an integrated concept of the world around you and how to deal with it.

Be the change you want to see in the world

Be the change you want to see in the world

mardi 11 juillet 2017