jeudi 13 juillet 2017

Talisman progress

Talisman progress

Human civilizations have built for themselves a world of different ideas and philosophies that reflect their view of its existence and purpose in existence. Civilizations and cultures have disappeared. Human history has witnessed a civilization that presents itself as a universal civilization. It has its own means and values ​​that provide us with the best interests of humanity, material civilization.

I admit that this civilization is characterized by sophistication in the media and media. They convinced us that development means the West and the Westerners. Those who want to join the developing countries seeking progress should follow the Western model and Westernization.

Yet, despite all these glamorous words and words and all this glamor, this progress which they claim to carry the happiness of humanity is the same as the progress of all humankind, and for all its luck, it is this civilization that has led the peoples to suffer from captivity And humiliation and wars and the spread of corrupt morals and false principles and the prevalence of corruption and deviation and disintegration of prisoners, even those countries that have established this civilization received a share of the trouble; if the moral status of these peoples has been compared to the present time, we find a moral degeneration of the current West Incredibly incredible, Dah paint the roof of their lives, but we will find high rates of depression, sadness, suicide, unity and disintegration of prisoners but also poverty in some areas.

They have deceived our eyes with physical progress, made standard and balance their own models, and made the call to catch up. Yet they did not provide the assistance to those countries that had turned down the call and turned towards Westernization; on the practical level they were not at all loyal, others were not allowed to follow material progress, we would see and hear about prosperity Made by their material progress, but to yearn for them and busy with them, we will be an open market for the disposal of their products and a deceptive ideology absent the veil of material and false ideas.

We are in front of a model that attributes progress and preference to all sides. In the eyes of many, development and progress must be according to the models that the West has drawn for us. It is a dangerous and wrong perception.
Therefore, we have to break this talisman, Talisman progress, must be before we receive a term and deal with it and let it affect our minds and our lives to understand and stand on the truth.

Western models came according to their standards, according to their conditions, ideas, principles and vision of the human being was their criterion is the article even if lost values ​​and ethics and loss of human truth and substance.

But if we look at the mental view of man, he is the successor of God in his land, provided him with the ability of the mind and ordered him to build the land in justice and created the universe with all its treasures for the reconstruction and creativity and uplift and rise in the process of human integration.

It is the view of man, that view that makes the difference between our principles and the principles of that civilization deep and deep, that view that makes us see it as weak and fragile and unstable.

We do not suspect things, and as Dr. Mohamed Emara says, "The crossing of thought, all thought of borders, all borders, is not wrong with the proponents of this civilization. The world is one homeland, one civilization, and the nations are just degrees and levels in this building of a single civilization." Whoever opposes this is the enemy of peace and docking. World and human unity.

They sell us illusion, they are freedom and happiness and the illusion of respect for the human and the liberation of women, we can only save moral deviation and distort the instinct and the disintegration of families and the enslavement of human either by constraint and war or lust.

We are not opposed to material progress, it is not wrong but on condition that it is a means not an end; a means of lifting and labeling human beings.

We do not oppose the universal civilization and the one nation, but without losing the human identity, we really want a civilization for humanity, serving all human beings and not the utilitarian interests of some human beings. Therefore, we must preserve our identity, which can revive a human civilization.

Any intellectual deviation that leads to the vacuum of society and feeling void even if it is strong economically and politically, must be intellectual independence and any culture associated with another culture contrary to it will lose the original culture of its existence does not reflect all thought and do not destroy all borders, only reflect the sciences and humanities such as physics, chemistry and medicine , But the principles and identities can not be compromised, thought is not a field of experience, the nations are rising no matter how long they rise up from the stalemate as long as their identity and culture.

We want a human civilization that is believed in the mind, based on it, which is directed towards the goodness of man.

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