samedi 12 août 2017

Divine programming

Divine programming

There are questions

Does the atheist have an angry psychological tendencies towards society, for example, or unwilling tendencies in pleasures without restrictions, as some claim, or perhaps fascinated by Western materialistic progress, he has decided to adopt his current philosophy, or is the atheist innocent of these charges and has the same safety as a rational mind decided to use to break the barriers The search for truth? A question is his answer to judging the serenity of the atheist. Should God exist?

There are questions that may be simple and have no answer, but they hide behind them a vision of the situation of the object and the answers represent a philosophical trend, for example why not give birth to the hen? Why are there fish that give birth while most fish bleach? Why do not you go out of the seed of an insect? Why does the sun with such gravity make planets spin around? Why does a person hate injustice and love justice? Why does the damage harm itself and love goodness? Why does not the bird "swallow" the bird or "sneeze" the cat? Why do assets have to do the acts they do without others? - This will be explained in some detail in the coming parts - although it can do otherwise and there is no mental impediment prevented and science can not prove that these things are the supplies of existence, then what is this secret?


I have a friend who works at night in a factory on a modern machine where he puts the raw materials and works the machine and then leaves and sleeps! We all know this door, which opens automatically whenever any one approaches it or those satellites that rotate in a fixed orbit and send pictures and data, these machines do not know and do not know what to do but the person is the one who ridiculed and put his knowledge and guidance to those acts without feeling or awareness of them, We dropped this matter on the universe and the problem of its existence. Is there no direction and measure of the assets in the universe without will and knowledge? If anyone denies this, let him tell me, for example, why do we love those who do good to us and hate those who take our right by force? Why are we attracted to the opposite sex? Why are we afraid when we are exposed to risk and trying to pay it? Why are we looking for benefit and happiness? Why do not we believe that a small box may have an elephant inside it? Why do not we assume that there is a person in two different places at the same time? If he answered those questions, he said: "Those are obvious things that do not have an answer."

There is an enchanting force and a procession of the assets that guides and directs them to what they must do. This is called guidance or attraction. As the mystics say, love is like a program within every creature that leads it involuntarily to lines that represent its pattern of existence. Which leads to its perfection and achieves its objectives.

Guidance in living objects

The organism has the ability to adapt to the environment and it comes to create something in itself for this purpose. This adaptation has nothing to do with its creation, which is not necessary for its existence. Fish, for example, can not breathe on the land where it breathes under the water from the supplies of its existence to possess gills rather than lungs. "If we take an animal like a chicken, for example, by placing it in an environment where Dica does not defend it, this will force the chicken to defend itself by performing the job of the cock," says Ibn Sina, more than a thousand years ago. In her leg and gradually something resembling a shadow (It is in the cock defends him) takes the growth to be strong, then it is her body then is the one who creates the new member gradually, and this act is not related to the same composition of the body of the animal "and modern science discovered many of those things that indicate the environmental adaptation of living bodies, When the body is injured and the blood is bleeding, the body compensates for the deficiency of the production of white and red blood cells as much as the body needs without increase or decrease and according to its energy. When the body loses substances such as potassium and sodium, it tries to compensate by doing chemical reactions inside the body. The water that living organisms are too complex to be mere machines where inside what guide her to the objectives and this is similar to the device that makes them adapt to the situation and their environment, and this adjustment does not happen the will of the body and the desire of the owner, but is prepared and geared to adapt to the environment.

Guidance animals

"There is a kind of fish that meets from all the rivers of the world in a sea in South America when it is time to reproduce. It puts its eggs in that place and all die. It is amazing that the new fish come back every day. Where they lived where their parents had lived in the past without making a mistake in determining that place, the scientists experiment where they were taken from the offspring of those fish, who lived in France and put him on another beach, they noted that it is due to the place where the previous offspring, These fish were estimated to live in a particular place "Other things that also stopped the insect that is larger than the mosquito and smaller than the fly when it is time to lay eggs looking for a snail and bite a bite in a certain place so that it falls drowned without dying, if bite a strong bite causing his death did not achieve the goal of the insect Because it will rot before hatching its eggs, that insect hatch and then die directly feeds the young on the snail to become wings, and then repeated this generation after generation, and in bees and its system and way of life example of that and many examples.

The guidance of celestial bodies

There is a fixed system in the solar system, the earth revolves around the sun, the earth and the sun revolve around each other, each planet has its own orbit around the sun and has a certain velocity in its rotation and other indications that the celestial bodies are subject to a fixed system. To gravity, but the most they can offer is the effect of gravity, not its truth. "I do not say what gravity is and how it is, I think objects attract others," Newton says. Experimental science has no answer, but Newton presented the answer in a different sense. "The system we have discovered is not enough to preserve systems, but the power hand must be recognized," he said. "Divine will must be in control of gravity, the system of planets and stars. There is no objection to making those objects different from what they are in terms of their attractiveness, movement and properties, and therefore they need to be preserved.

Human guidance

Between the nervous breakdown and the deposit in the mental clinic and the loss of mind and street straying and hysterical crying and shouting for reasons and laughter a laugh like a whim without reason, this was the fate of the crew of the plane that threw the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, all of them suffered mental and nervous disorders, despite the choice of the US military as the worst and cruel Soldiers to perform that crime. History and psychology confirmed that criminals and tyrants are often exposed to mental and neurological diseases, why? The answer is the conscience, this observer who distinguishes between good and ugly man Vlom if he did ugly acts so human suffering, this conscience in the human to guide him to the right and values, see humanity agreed on the desirability of justice and rejection of injustice and love of peace and hatred of aggression and love of good and evil and thanked Al-Moneim And to pay harm and bring benefit, those things that we return to instinct, which breaks down sooner or later sooner or later, who we broke it? They are not the supplies of the existence of our bodies, besides instinct we find the axioms of the mind is a set of ideas that governs the mind without evidence such as "every result has a reason" "all greater than the part" "impossibility of meeting the extremes" and others, the mind does not seek evidence to verify the validity These ideas are self-evident, who put those thoughts in the minds?

The article can be summed up in this logical measurement

Universe Giver (micro-introduction)

Every Giver must have a Given (great introduction)

The Universe Given Given (result)

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