mercredi 16 août 2017

The Four Illusions

The Four Illusions

The period between the 15th and 17th centuries is a pivotal point in European intellectual history and the history of modern science in general. This period was called the Renaissance or Renaissance, a French word meaning "born again". At the beginning of this period, For more than 10 centuries, the Christian trend, or to be more accurate, the "Church Men" during their reign, Europe was frozen, intellectual and scientific decline and material exploitation in the name of religion necessitated awakening and revolution of thought and science so as not to continue this stalemate which contradicts the reality of man seeking integration and development.

At that time no one was allowed to try to gain access to any new knowledge or to modify the findings of medieval scholars such as Aristotle and others. The clergy took control of all aspects of life, adopted the ideas of previous scholars and became "religious" facts, Or amendment, and since the laws that put the general public does not put everything in place, the result that most of the ideas and perceptions of people about life is incorrect, which led to the spread of superstitions and myths ...

One of the pioneers of the opposition movement, Francis Bacon, created a new approach to the formation of rules and ideas and access to facts, devoid of blind dependency of what is prevalent and deny any knowledge came through mental processes or religious texts, based on experience and observation and senses can not believe that the ground flat Or it is the center around which the sun revolves, as the Church says, it has been proved by experimentation and observation that it is not flat and that Earth is the one that revolves around the sun ...

In his book "The New Organon," Bacon observed the reasons that led to this degeneration and intellectual and scientific stagnation and following the myths in that period and called it "the four illusions"

"The Illusions of the Human Race"

Bacon sees that man - any human being - when he comes to know what he is, he clings to it and defends it with all his feelings without any evidence to prove his belief or what he defends and feels that he is a monopoly of the truth ...

"Cave Illusions"

Which is that the human thought and vision of life arise as a result of the family and the environment and society in which he lives and this makes him live in a cave isolated from what happens in other environments and even if he had the opportunity to see and identify different cultures, he will stick to what he used to because of the illusion of knowledge "

"Market Illusions"

The role of the basic language is to convey the knowledge and feeling of the person around it. However, when the words used are unclear, there is confusion in understanding what the speaker means. Each social and scientific group has its own language to describe what it knows about the world. Understood by the philosopher to the world of chemistry or what the teacher calls the dealer and thus become knowledge overlapping and lost in what is said and what is meant by what was said and understood from it ...

"Theater Illusions"

The last thing that man understands is that he knows the truth to see and hear what is going on around him without his mind working and is likely to be right and wrong. This unconsciously creates a vision of reality that corresponds to the person who wants to make him see reality in that way, regardless of whether he is being taught real or not. That, like spectators on a play sadly sad hero and happy with his victory without any thought of the extent of the hero's reward or insult ?! They are guided by their feelings behind the "clergy of that period" who form their consciousness and vision of life!

Although much of what Bacon has reached as a result of the analysis of his true reality, especially with regard to scientific ideas, but we are self-evident we can ask:

"How could Francis Bacon analyze these illusions without falling into them? Is the counter-stream came from intellectuals and scientists only or are there clerics who also contributed to that anti-mainstream movement? To be more clear, is the conflict here between science and religion, and with the victory of science there is no longer a need for religion? "

If "Bacon" came to these reasons as a result of its origin in a different environment, it means that it was this environment that made him think this way and may have been signed in the "cave delusions" and stuck to it as a result of "illusions of the human mind" but the fact that the illusions set by him do not apply To all human beings and that man has what makes him see the truth and determine the place of error in thinking, whatever its development is not sound or language is not clear and instincts that begin to work only when the man deprived of the customs and traditions of his community and his heritage and feelings and desires, Bacon was able to think logical and mental intuitions Be aware that way The prevailing thinking is the result of the control of a class on the thought and published it is puzzling that "for every reason reasoned" and this axiom is what made him looking for the reason in what reached his community and is the basis that makes any scientist looking for the cause of the occurrence of phenomena and how to benefit from them ... The problem of linguistic confusion that It arises from the different meaning of concepts Aristotle gave him an island solution, which is the question "What do you mean by ...? "Before making any judgment on what is being talked about and to keep the vision clear and the language of the desired work ... The most obvious examples that the human instinct and logic and impartiality of the passions and legacies can access what is real, is the reformed religious revolution by" Martin Luther " He grew up in the church, but he was revolted when he saw the exploitation of some clerics "for religion" in order to make money, through the "instruments of forgiveness" that were sold for atonement for the sins of those who buy it and admit his sins ?!

This means that the conflict was not between religion and science but between the religious tyranny and the reformist movement that included scientists such as Galileo, Copernicus and intellectuals such as Francis Bacon and Leonardo da Vinci, and even clerics such as Martin Luther, who founded Protestantism and others.

Therefore, the claim that the establishment of advanced and developed civilization related to the renunciation of religion and separation from life, can not be relied upon; the true religion is supportive of science and urges the development and progress that is compatible with the laws of the universe and Sunnah, but a science without ethics and values, If we make a historical extrapolation we find that everyone who lived in a binary (either spirit or material) or (either science or religion) did not last long and quickly collapsed his civilization. He explained in my book "the responsibility of the intellectual" the importance of science and the role of scientists, It is the scientists' very specific responsibility to give life as much as possible Of the possibilities, knowledge of the current situation and the detection of the forces of nature and man and exploitation. "

However, the optimal use of the vehicle or any product and its preservation for the longest possible period comes in the form of a "catalog" for the user by the car manufacturer. Man can not manage and use the science and the possibilities offered by science except through a catalog sent by the Creator, .

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