samedi 9 décembre 2017

Jerusalem is not worth anything

Jerusalem is not worth anything

After the negotiations with "Saladin", after a bloody battle for "Jerusalem"; Astmt where "Balian" and his defense, and Istasl "Salah Religion "and its soldiers in the attack, and after negotiations to hand over the city, and agree on the terms of delivery - Saladin peace be upon him, and then begin to return to his army. "What is the value of Jerusalem for you?" Saladin replies: "Nothing!" After walking a few more steps, he turns to say, "But everything!"

I am also greatly disturbed by the famous position of Omar ibn al-Khattab off the Black Stone; when he said: "Umm Allah, I have learned that you are a stone, and that you do not harm or benefit. If I had not seen the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)

Not one of the sanctities of holy places, nor of the materialities of dignity, nor of each other. Rather, the mind determines some of the importance it acquires from the faculties and principles of a mentality, or prefers the divine text to some of the mixtures that we do not know. And the land acquires this advantage in the case of those who believe in this divine text or this legislation as a whole; it shall abide by its details and its particulars, or by those who see it as connected with a mental principle imposed by circumstances of time and place.

The issue is not the issue of land, nor the conflict of borders or areas, those who reduce them in this "article" and this is the most important and important. The issue is not the number of martyrs that we associate with them and is not a cause of revenge for dignity or display. But is the highest and highest of all the reductions It is the issue of "justice", the cause of God's word and law.

It is a war between the kingdoms of Satan and the kingdoms of the Beneficent, the war that has been going on since the creation of man and the sin of Satan, and a circle in the heart of each of us and his mind before we are on earth. And every martyr, whether in Jerusalem or in the last world, is connected to us by blood or not connected.

Jerusalem is the largest representation of this war now on the ground, inflated thousands of times, to see how man behaves away from the guidance of the mind, in opposition to the will of the Kingdom of Heaven, how to act when he undergoes his entire life; , And governs his animal anger instead of his mind in conflicts.

Since 1972, in forty years, the United States has used the "veto" for Israel forty-two times! Forty-two times when the international community chose its mechanisms, laws, systems and institutions to remain silent, America chose prostitution, and chose to hang hopes on the wolf to protect the sheep!

It is the will of the world, that humanity today does not want justice and does not know it. We have forgotten it for a long time after it. The pain and suffering caused by the killing of one soul in a Western country is beyond what attracts the cause of tearing apart entire peoples, In something.

I have always been fascinated by the scene of the "Great Conquest"; when the Prophet Muhammad entered Mecca. The Prophet's actions on this day certainly have great connotations. He did not behave like the usual conquerors or kings, but proclaims them high: "Today is the day of the Mercy, today the most precious of Allah is Quresha." Which shows that his battle was not with people, and not a war between tribes and fanaticism, nor personal revenge, nor victory in need of some flying heads. It is the real "peace" that appears in the attitudes of men, not in empty talk conferences.

Then the scene of the destruction of idols; which was delayed twenty-one years after the mission! The destruction of these idols was not the concern of the Prophet or his goal during the years preceding the conquest, but his goal was to destroy the idols of the souls and to build a building. Right and justice in the hearts, then and only then; the idols that fall abroad will fall irreversibly, and will open Mecca and return the earth without even fighting!

Each of us has its own "holiness" that must be freed, and its own "objects" that must be destroyed. Before jihad on the ground we need jihad within us, and then in our home countries before outside, to recognize the limits of justice and humanity in ourselves.

"Jerusalem" does not need us masters, and does not need US support, or global alignment, or Arab unity. We need to restore peace to restore our peace and humanity, so that we can raise our voices with prayer without knowing that we are angry with us, and that we have failed to triumph in the word of God so that we can claim to be human beings and that we are nations that belong to divine guidance. To teach our children the meaning of humanity, and the meaning of justice.

This is not an invitation to leave the struggle on the ground, and certainly not a call to abandon the land, but an invitation to wake up, and know the order of the battles and how we choose, to know where to eat shoulder, and to rethink why all our previous efforts to resolve the "issue". They say that the problem can not be solved with the same level of thinking as you did. Maybe we need to move the battle to other levels of thinking. Maybe the world needs to change its thinking to make peace.

"God will not receive her meat and menstruation but will receive piety for you" Hajj - 37

Jerusalem is worth nothing, but it is worth everything!

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