samedi 29 décembre 2018

Earthquake hit the state of Armenia was 8.2 Richter!

In 1988, a violent earthquake hit the country of Armenia was 8.2 Richter! .. The country was destroyed literally and because of it more than 30 thousand people died in a flash in less than 4 minutes .. The Armenian News Agency wrote on separate episodes stories of real people who have lost their lives for ever .. A husband left his wife in The house, after being sure of its safety, went out to the school where their son was to see what happened to him. He arrived and found the school like a mashed pancake. He took this violent shock with hysteria and screamed and fell on his knee. He remembered that he was always preparing his son and he was swinging him, or he taught him to swim or he was preparing for a difficult test in one fixed sentence. I would always be there next to you.) Then he looked at the pile of rubble and the bricks stacked on top of each other .. He ran, ran down the rubble, sat down and counted the chapter on which his son was studying. Remember that he was in the back of the building The right .. went to the debris there .. bare hands and without tools start digging and remove the rubble! .. Of course, the subject was impossible with reason and logic .. Moments later came other parents looking for their children also .. tried to make him and Ybkian and Yltman and said to him: (it is too late; they all died, no use than what they do, they died) .. He took his hand out of their hands and ran back to the rubble and looked at them and said: (Will you help me?) .. Of course and because everyone has the sadness of what they left him and said about him crazy and the shock went by his mind .. But lost The stone was taken away by stone. The fireman came. The firefighter looked at the father's sight and grabbed him and tried to keep him away from what was going on. He said to him: "The flames will ignite and explosions will occur everywhere. You are in real danger, please return to your home. The father saved himself from the officer and ran to the rubble. He looked at the officer and said to him, "Will you help me?" The officer from him, leaving him and going to work ... The only need The father's eye is his promise to his son .. He remained digging for a long time .. 8 hours .. 12 hours .. 24 hours .. And at the 25 hour removed a huge stone and appeared cavity .. shouted at the height of his voice in the name of his son: (Armand) .. Atah Reply I told my colleagues that you would come because you promised me, "Whatever the case, I will always be there by your side" and you have done it, Father.) His father extended his hand and he lifted the stones hard and removed them.Hamas multiplier: (Come on, I have; let's go out) .. The boy replied: (No, my dad let my colleagues go out first; because I know you Stkhrzina whatever it; I know you will always be there for me to).
• The writer Charles Dickens says: "Promise if a break does not make a sound, but a lot and a lot of pain. The word "Hjiblak" promised .. The word "I am with you and not your Hesbek" Promise .. The word "work like this or Hsoy so" promised .. Poet "Abdul Rahman Al-Sharqawi said: (The man is the word) .. Promise word; .

Simple touches sincere, relieves the greatest pain. (The picture of a child going to the operating room in a creative way to reduce his tension).

Simple touches sincere, relieves the greatest pain.
(The picture of a child going to the operating room in a creative way to reduce his tension).

vendredi 28 décembre 2018

Be peace, partnership, tenderness and mercy

Be peace, partnership, tenderness and mercy

Peace be upon those who saw the wall of your soul wants to break down and set it up, and did not think to take it pay "Jalaluddin Rumi"

The relationship and its effects in our lives, the words and reality on us, it seems easy at the beginning, two people meet and then connect to combine memories and quiet positions, each understand the nature of the other in part, with time consists of a thick link between them and they are both compassion and compassion and interest and share life together and dissolved, Almost days pass until the cyclone happens, the understanding turns into war and conflict, containment of land and compromise, and attention to neglect and indifference, do not understand how to compromise it to that extent between them? How did the relationship become so big?

A friend told me one day:

"Have peace, not war"

The appearance of these words is pleasant and comfortable, but the inside is large and puzzling.
Peace, war and relationships!
Can two people meet the friendliness that their relationship turns into war?
If we look with reason to those words, we will find them only the embodiment of ethics: the creation of mercy, affection, carelessness, patience, irritation and consideration, the creation of tenderness and love and control of anger ... and much that governs the sound relations under the name of the thick ligament.
We are not in war with the other party, but it is certain that peace comes from compassion, and that until you have peace, you must be a guardian of the covenant. Based on your things and persevere in your mistakes, not for them, peace comes from the merciful hearts
Peace for all who are merciful and ...
And peace for all who are patient ...
Word and Rihan for all is based on the things of our lives.

He used to darken his pain, the brightness of light, so that he used it, as well as the accustomed ignorance of his pain, the flag, until he had intercourse with him.

He used to darken his pain, the brightness of light, so that he used it, as well as the accustomed ignorance of his pain, the flag, until he had intercourse with him.

mardi 25 décembre 2018

Philosophy of Change. Way of knowledge and happiness

Philosophy of Change. Way of knowledge and happiness

When we talk about the concept of "change" we are talking about everything that is related to the human being and can be changed, such as beliefs, customs, ethics, environment, field of work, study, friends, way of living, etc. ... which affects and affects each of us. And if we look at the positions of many young people in these days of "change" we find that we oscillate between a completely hostile to change, and another believes that change is the only constant in the life of each seeker of happiness and success, is change in itself Is the path of success and happiness? Why do some reject change? Which of them are right, you see?

To be able to answer these questions and to arrive at the real concept of change we have to analyze the vision of each stream separately.


We can divide the anti-change categories into three common categories in result but with different introductions:
The first category: believes that if the change is meant to "move from one to the other", it is indispensable! Why? Because it is satisfied with what has reached it, there is nothing better or healthier than what it has, thought it or actually, and in the sense of the owner of this vision sees that he has "reached the top" Why seek to subject his ideas or objectives or lifestyle to the examination and testing to see if Is there something better or healthier than what it is ?!

The second category can be summed up in its vision that "we know it better than the non-forbidden." This phobia or fear of shaking beliefs when tested means that the owners of this vision decided to disrupt what distinguishes them from other creatures, namely "mind and free will" and chose to put their destiny in my hands "Their parents or the environment in which they grew up" or in the hands of "those who can guide them according to their interests" and we may also be one of those without realizing it! If you want to make sure that you are outside this circle, you can check out one of the following articles: Choice or Phobia of Thinking ...

The third can also be summed up in her view that "Mafesh Fayed", why? Either because they have experienced and failed in their endeavors or because they saw those who went through the experiment and failed in their endeavors, and this experimental experimental mentality collapses and swings up and down without wondering about the reasons for going up and down, it remains a mere emotional "reaction" and in most cases resort to generalizing the result "The impact of the failed experience on the soul is very harmful, such as marriage experiences or the experiences of social reform that failed, but the wise does not rely on this situation, but begins to think about the reasons for lack of success, And brings to himself the hope derived from the source To survive the real Almighty.

Change for change

In contrast, the other trend sees that change is the year of life, and the rational person is the one who gets rid of every constant on the intellectual, the moral and even the moral level. Stability is the source of all conflict, pain, boredom, and hopelessness.

This vision may seem realistic at first, but if we drop it, we will find that a society without laws and moral constants is a society of chaos and constant conflict. There are disparities in capabilities, opportunities and participation in many material and moral needs. If there are no constants and laws The relationship between the members of the society and its unity will be transformed into a forest, with the right, with opportunities, not the opposite, at the community level. On the individual level, if we look at the youth of this group, we will find them highly dispersed on both the practical and intellectual levels Up to The idea and its opposite or total neutrality are adopted even in the most crucial issues, because there is no clear purpose for their actions. As a result of the lack of a clear balance of ideas, they find no activity, lecture, or training except to participate and find no new idea but to adopt it. "If you ask them why you adopted these ideas and left them, you will not have a logical reason for them, because they are immersed in a quantum" information "without a" how "or a clear balance. Help them analyze this quantum ...

Conscious change

We can conclude from the foregoing that change is needed, but not for itself, but for the purpose of, and most importantly, to be aware of the health of the road and to approach as much as possible the means leading to the very path, so as not to fall into the mistakes of "excessive and excessive" For change is to seek to move from one state to another; the result of "awareness" of what is best, which leads us to the definition of "consciousness", which Dr. Yahya Hoydi says "It is a kind of holistic thinking away from daily life, Work and behavior rather than stability "... and the meaning of the word" holistic "thinking in this To define that we think about the meanings that govern our actions and make sure that we have the correct understanding of them such as success, happiness, freedom, belonging and marriage ... In the goals that we seek to achieve from behind everything we do and choose not to indulge in the routine of daily life to the point that we are just machines or gears working without question and go without real meaning For its actions, and most importantly to realize that what is required is continuous action and endeavor, not stability, because it is not natural for human beings to settle at the time of testing and development opportunities.


In short, we should not seek a life partner without asking about the meaning of "marriage" and its purpose. We do not indulge in collecting information, attending lectures and adopting ideas and beliefs without awareness of the "quality" which will make this quantity fruitful and protect us from falling into contradiction, We do not waste our lives in working and collecting money without asking what the meaning of real "success" is. We do not follow the prevailing living systems related to social relations, food systems and everything related to the consumer system without examining and hoping for their happiness, which is difficult to achieve if we do not understand the meaning of the word " HE, "she said A state of thinking about what makes man human and distinguishes him from other assets, a state of conscious interaction with reality, a state of vigilance and desire, awakening that we feel rational beings and desire to achieve our presence and effective effect and not just presence and continuity.

Bring you perfection, to the fullest image, to pour over the universe good.

Bring you perfection, to the fullest image, to pour over the universe good.

It is a miracle for a person who sees the years to go around him, so he does not wake up and leave his age wasted.

It is a miracle for a person who sees the years to go around him, so he does not wake up and leave his age wasted.

In today's world, the opinion of the ignorant and the world is equal when making a decision! And distinguish the rights of others in the rights with the money they own!

In today's world, the opinion of the ignorant and the world is equal when making a decision! And distinguish the rights of others in the rights with the money they own!

A home founded on the love of spiritual and moral qualities is capable of sustaining.

A home founded on the love of spiritual and moral qualities is capable of sustaining.