lundi 7 janvier 2019

I did not find happiness only in the eyes of the simple .. What is the relationship of simplicity to happiness? How happy?

I did not find happiness only in the eyes of the simple .. What is the relationship of simplicity to happiness? How happy?

Simple woman

She called me as I walked in the market, "The city eggs I have honey," and included her thin ears to her lips to accept a kiss filled with confidence to prove that her goods are the best! I smiled and pointed out that I did not want the eggs but I asked her about the cheese of the Quraish, and she was disappointed because she did not have it. Do not be saddened by her monotonous life, neither the simple clothes she wears nor the tired job she does. All she has left is the hope of a beautiful "pledge" that provides her with a living, so she smiles, because she hopes that this smile will thin her heart of a customer or customer to buy her fake goods that may spoil if she can not sell them all today.

I heard the ears of the afternoon and I hurriedly sold her goods in the aluminum tasht and covered them with the quilt and then stood and loaded her load after weighing it carefully over her head to speed to the train that would return her for the other half of her day and her life. At the house, a tired husband returns from a hard day's work as a construction worker in a new residential project in a high-end residential complex. How does this man suffer? He knows he is building and building houses, palaces, apartments and luxury villas that he and his children will not be allowed to enter unless they are slaves and servants. The painted rectangle is the one who enjoys the pleasures of this life and its well-being. But he returns at the end of the day to find his wife "The House Wedge" has also returned to their simple home, which contains them with their three children.

The family dream and the generations' journey

This family tries to make from their children the dream that every person wishes in his life. The father and the mother believe that the success of their children is a great compensation for them for the suffering, misery and unhappiness that they face in their lives. The mother recommends children to study and diligence in school. A respectful job, a happy wife, and a stable family that she might not have succeeded in having in her life. Thus the hope of victory moves like a heavy load from the shoulders of the vulnerable parents of the wandering children. Born in this maze do not know what the end and what the goal behind this bitter bloody conflict! All they found was conflict without any justification or rationality.
We can imagine our society as the army that went out looking for a city far away from its homeland to occupy it. The march dragged on and the hardships and the days, months and years passed. Perhaps the first generation that became a pyramid now remembers why this was the path and why was this conflict? But the generation of young people born on the battlefield and the long, continuous marches can not remember or know anything about this battle or its merits; it is the choice of parents and grandparents, in which sons and grandsons enter without choice, preference or thought.

The children grow up, the elders die and the old age is lost, beauty is lost, dreams and hopes remain but in vain ... One of the sons cries out of pain, hunger and thirst. "Who are we? Why do we do what we do uselessly? "The rest violently bullied him because he thought he would criticize the decisions of the wise grandparents, the trappings, and the tattered neckties. The tyranny of tyranny over these innocent people and turned them to the sad bastards as portrayed by Victor Hugo in the wretched.

From simplicity ..

One of the poor lived in his simple rented house in a house without a lift. He lived on the sixth floor of the house in the winter. The water drops from the cracks in the ceiling. In the summer, the heat of the sun increased the room temperature and humidity to intolerable degrees. The window glass was broken. One of the sleeping blankets on the window to see the cold of the winter, insects in the summer. He did not have a luxury washing machine with automatic software. He had a regular hand washing machine that was washed, rinsed and then strained and he had to organize his time so that he could wash his clothes every week.

He did not have an iron to put on his clothes, so he would immediately put his clothes on the hangers to dry after washing instead of needing ironing every day. He did not own the luxury vehicle and lived away from the main streets, returning to wake up early and walk for transportation so as not to delay work. He did not dare leave too much food in the house so that the mice would not visit his house during his absence and devour everything that remained and turn his house into a new colony of mice.

To complexity ..

The days passed and the situation improved and the situation changed. The money went into his hand. The pace of life accelerated with money. It was easy after two years. He rented an apartment in a new place that was much better than his old house. He took the taxi to the city. His house no longer knows those words like cold, free, insects, or mice. He began to store food for the week and then food of the month, began to put on his clothes and then began to send his clothes to "McGowy" to save time. What is important is that his condition changes.

On the day he walked in the street saw his reflection in the mirror, did not like the picture he saw; in the past was the owners of the loans, but today he became the owners of krush; Here is his stomach full of swinging in front of him after he became to be filled, The compulsory sport he was doing every day was denied when he became most of his car. He no longer wakes up early in order to catch up with the traffic, leaving his body idle and lazy. He had an appointment with the doctor yesterday, he was warned of high pressure and upset the rates of sugar and cholesterol in his body, so he spent a lot of money on drugs and drugs. Where did the simplicity go?

He looked at his diminutive life in his reflection in this mirror and found himself not happy. Perhaps he was much happier in the days of poverty and simplicity, but today he hopes for the health, activity and peace of mind he felt in the past.

The tyranny of self and the disappearance of simplicity

In our lives we try to mix the best always. We take from sugar sweetness and milk and its beauty and fruit fragrance and taste delicious to make the ice cream. But we get very little in the end. Our share of calcium, energy and vitamins dwindles to the extent we would have had if we had taken the same ingredients but more effectively and less sweetly.

We justify the wrong choices that we make time after time on the pretext of necessity or dire need, but we forget that they desire and weakness are the real reason behind these mistakes. We forgive ourselves and forgive them for weakness, and forget to strengthen the self and train on roughness and endurance and skin, but time is not forgotten and does not forgive this easy and simple for those who forget the need to work and self-restraint in their desires. The days go by and the power is gone and the beautiful features go out. The powders of the tannins are lost in the cracks and the sky is lost in the horizon of the tails and fat cells, and it dissolves in the scales of sweat and tears that are taking place yesterday, but we do not learn despite all this. Why do we revolt?

They said that the tyrants in the world of mankind and the oath, but they forgot to remind us that the biggest tyrant lives in our breasts. They gave us as antidotes, antibiotics and vaccinations against snakes, viruses and microbes, but they forgot to give us drugs and vaccinations against the most deadly toxins and diseases that are fatal to us.

Is it time?

Is it time to realize after all these lessons that the disease is in the soul first and not in the body? Our sick bodies are only a victim of our souls, who are sick and enchanted by the charm of this deceptive presence, which is not satisfied with the punishment, and does not narrate the thirst of drinking it.

The civilizations and kingdoms boasted of building palaces and courtyards of entertainment, fun and happiness, but they did not find them in the end. If they came out today from their wooden or stone boxes or even gilded marble, we would ask them about the most joy and happiness in this world. I find happiness only in the eyes of ordinary people! "

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