mercredi 9 janvier 2019

I want to commit suicide .. Do you think that suicide is the salvation of pain?

I want to commit suicide ..
Do you think that suicide is the salvation of pain?

The tragic suicide!

Location: Alexandria

Time: Late 2017

Ahmed was a young man in the late thirties had a great ambition married the girl he loved, and had a beautiful girl, Ahmed was ambitious to establish a garment factory, and to achieve this dream decided to borrow from the bank to be able to rent a place and buy machines to work on manufacturing, In fact, the economic conditions of the country were deteriorating due to the liberalization of the exchange rate and other problems. Thus, the cost of raw materials increased, and the prices of the products increased automatically, which paralyzed the sales movement. Ahmed was able to D debt payments as a result of these circumstances, the bank lifted up the issue and booked on the machines and Ahmed became threatened in prison as a result of all these pressures did not bear Ahmed decided to commit suicide, perhaps thereby ending this nightmare! The poor man did not know that he was setting the nightmare for his family. When he committed suicide and hanged himself in his room, his daughter came to awaken him, as usual, and saw her father hanging and his spirit was overflowing, until the poor woman suffered a heart attack and died.

That story - I know it is very tragic - but it has already happened to someone in our region and called me to write this article and that story recounted what I saw and read in the past months about the increasing suicides among young and non-young, And the one who hanged himself on a tree and multiple suicides are increasingly, and when looking for the causes of those cases, we find that the main reason is to reach a state of chronic depression, which if not cured see it until he reaches the patient to terminate his life at any cost, Depression accumulates debt or a prison There are economic reasons for the conditions of unemployment and the accumulation of debt and inability to pay, and developments in Egypt suicides due to failure in the high school exam and that tragedy added to the causes of suicide.

When we deal with the main reason, we have ended the root of the problem, for example, who gives a loan to advise that only to make the move to the most necessary need; Many of those who have taken loans with high interest rates can not afford to repay their debt. Before you make that move, you should look for sources to fulfill this debt. If a project was taken for the loan, before proceeding, study the feasibility of the project to see if it will make a profit or at least cover His expenses in principle or not? It is not the end of the world! Try again and again and do not generalize your experience on every experience you enter, but look for mistakes in the previous experience and try not to repeat them, and in the worst circumstances when you find the world darkened in your face away from the dark thoughts of your head and talk with someone who trust in his wisdom and mind and do not hesitate to ask for help And advise him that if you leave yourself without talking to one of you will eat the illusions of your mind and things get worse, and see the consequences of any decision taken it will not affect you alone, but will affect those around you, will affect your family, will affect your friends and acquaintances, Without exception, it forbids suicide and stigmatizes those who offer it with kufr To let down; Vtnolna case of mental and logical perspective to find out why and know the consequences of post-suicide and talked about how to address those causes may reduce this frightening proportions. The subject is very dangerous, try to help yourself and try to help those who show signs of depression; we are all in one compound on us with the help of each other: with advice, already good, good word ... Remember that we live in the world and not in the Garden of Bliss To find problems, and the clever bag is someone who knows to deal wisely with the causes and try to deal with these things wisely and logic, and the last word - excuse me - who offers suicide is not characterized by courage, but weakness and cowardice and abandonment.

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