mardi 25 juin 2019

The heart and the mind - how to resolve the conflict between them and who will be ruling on the other?

The heart and the mind - how to resolve the conflict between them and who will be ruling on the other?

The ability to choose and make decisions is one that man is aware of and recognizes. Every individual understands in himself and at the very least hopes that he or she can speak a word or that he prefers not to speak. He realizes that he is able to choose either to move his hand or not to move it. That he chooses to undergo some of the pressures or continue to face them.

A person chooses to do something either to satisfy instinctive motivations such as the hunger he or she pays to eat or thirst to drink water, or to satisfy mental motivations and needs, such as a patient who chooses to stay away from eating tasty foods and takes bitter medicine to keep him safe and healthy, To the satisfaction of his parents, and the student of science who may sacrifice a lot of rest and material pleasures in order to reach knowledge and truth, and the soldier who is doing everything that even his soul in order to reach lofty aspirations.

Mind and Heart

The struggle of the soul and the acquisition of high moral queens and follow the mind and leave the pursuit of passion does not happen automatically, and does not happen as time passes and age but gets to know the human strength of the mind and the importance of refining the knowledge and followers as well, and aware of the risk of following the temptation stands against his wishes and trains himself to submit For orders of reason.

The effectiveness of the individual process and its spiritual manifestations are due to two forces that control the individual with all his movements and movements; the power of the mind and the strength of the heart. Every action done by man, every word spoken by his lips, and every word he conceals himself is connected to a range of emotions, emotions and emotional emotions. And mind thinking on the other.

And these two forces may correspond so that the rule of mind corresponds to the heart and may not correspond so that the mind sees the goodness in something that does not appeal to the heart, or the heart is not understood by the mind does not see the right, and then either follow the individual's mind or dragged behind his heart; Safely discipline and proper behavior, and if the money to feelings and passions will continue to suffer from mood in the behavior and volatility between the passions and confusion of vision.

Free will and freedom of choice

The special advantage of man is his ability to choose, which is the property for which all educational, moral, legal, legal and legislative systems were.

The value of man shows the truth when different desires and desires come to fruition, and man in order to reach moral virtues and spiritual qualities presents the animal desires for the highest desires, or may display a desire that is not appetizing or animal and may be high but presents; Perfection, as someone chooses not to obey his parents in something because it is contrary to the right and the order of the Creator, and every action exercised by the human choice and awareness of more comprehensive knowledge, is more influential in the integration of spiritual and moral, or decline and decline.

And the ability to cope with desires and psychological tendencies, internal conflicts and external pressures, not one degree in all individuals and not all circumstances, but each person has this divine talent, the gift of choice and free will, and can exercise and develop more and more.

Of course, there are some powerful factors that may be difficult to resist. Choosing a job that goes against its requirements is very difficult, but in such resistance the difficult choice is more effective in the integration of the human being. Towards the perfect Creator, and the commitment to what is entrusted to him and this is the goal that the individual always seeks to achieve.

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