jeudi 17 octobre 2019

Is there anyone who is richer than you ...?

They asked billionaire Bill Gates: -

Is there anyone who is richer than you ...?

He said: - Yes, there is one person richer than me ;;;

They said: - It is ...!?

He said: - Years ago when I completed my studies

I had ideas for the Microsoft project

I was at New York airport for a flight

So I signed a newspaper salesman ...

I liked the title of one of the newspapers he carried ;;;

I put my hand in my pocket to buy the newspaper

But I didn't have a small coin, so I wanted to leave ...

If the seller of newspapers, a black boy

Tell me: - Prefer this newspaper from me to you.!

I told him: - I have no value from small classes

He said: - Take it I dedicate it to you ;;;

Three months after this incident

It happened that my flight was at the same airport

And I signed my eyes on a newspaper

I put my hand in my pocket and I did not find either

Coins in the category of small coins and if the same boy

He tells me: - Take it. !!!

so I told him :-

My son a while ago got the same position

And you gave me a newspaper, do you deal with this person who comes across this situation ...!?

He said: - Yes ..

When I give .. I give with all my heart ..

This thing makes me feel happy and comfortable

Bill Gates says: -

This sentence and the looks of this boy

I was stuck in my mind and I was always thinking

On what basis and what sense does this say !!!

After 19 years ...

When I got to the height of my financial ability

And became the richest man in the world ;;;

I decided to look for this boy to get him back

So I formed a team ...

And I told them just go to John Doe airport

They searched for the black boy who was selling newspapers and after a month and a half of research

They found him and worked as a guard in a theater ;;;

I invited him to my office and asked him do you know me?

He said: - Yes ..

You are Mr. Bill Gates, everyone knows you ;;;

So I told him years ago ...

When I was young and selling newspapers

I gave me two newspapers because I didn't have

Money from small groups Why did you do that ...!?

He said: - There is no specific reason

But when I give something for free

I feel comfortable and happy and this feeling is enough for me ;;;

so I told him :-

I want to answer you beautiful, ask what you want ;;;

He said: - How ...!?

I said: - I'll give you anything you want ...

He laughed: -

Anything I want .. Is that real ...!?

I said yes: - anything you ask ;;;

He said: - Thank you, sir

But I don't need anything ;;;

I said to him: - but must ask I want to compensate you

He said to me: - Mr. Bill Gates

You have the ability to do that but you cannot compensate me

I said to him: - What do you mean .. !!!

And how can I not compensate you. ???

He said: -

The difference between you and me ..

I gave you at the height of my poverty and my need

Now you want to give me and you are at the height

Your richness and strength will not compensate me ..

But your kindness overwhelms me. Thank you, sir ;;;

Bill Gates says: -

His words made me feel richer than me. !!!

Because the best kind of tender ..

Is the tender that you give and you need

This is what the boy did with me so he is richer than me ;

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