vendredi 18 janvier 2019

Do not leave the screen dirty - around the wrong perspective of life and the importance of clarifying the vision

Do not leave the screen dirty - around the wrong perspective of life and the importance of clarifying the vision

I sit in front of the mobile computer and write, read or read new research here or published on the social networking sites, and then pay attention to the word in the middle of the words I see to find it wrong there is an extra point on the T made by Tha or a point under the heat made her Gemma; pay attention and check again to find that My eyes have tricked me, accumulating dirt and dust on the screen when I neglected to clean it periodically which is what led to this pseudo-false point. That point fate wanted to meet with a letter in a word Fshoht word and then read the reading wrong to find myself did not understand the sentence to lose the meaning of the paragraph I read.

Life is also the wrong vision. A false perspective of life gives too much importance to subjects or takes away the importance of what is really important. It is not just a matter of diagnosing what should or should not be done; But after that list of what to do and what should be left, show the step of prioritization and tasks according to the goal and the goal towards which we are heading. Here is the difficulty.

Mind and heart

The candidacy human has three views: the opinion of reason, and the opinion of passion, which is the view of lust, and the view of anger. If the lust or anger is not in their place of the human and decided to unite against the mind will appear value added false for the importance of a particular subject or to defy the importance of a particular subject and remove from his place to follow him is less important than the same as the screen soiled, although the picture presented by real and correct But the accumulated dust and the blinding on them have led to a defect in the right vision.

The wise said so much that the sight in the eye but the insight in the heart, and we have wronged the heart when we compared it or called it the muscle in our chests that spring blood. This is the heart of the body created to feed the body and supply it with blood and oxygen and release toxins and combustion products to keep the body alive. This muscle is found in frogs and lizards as well as horse and leopard. But the heart we mean here is the heart of the soul. The heart is here in the sense of center or point of focus that controls and regulates human matters and the heart is the regulator of blood pumping. The heart is here as a center of the soul, and the human soul is the conscious mind of man. This mind, which takes the concepts and sets priorities and estimated the most important and important and on the basis of his decision moves the body towards the implementation of tasks and carry the burden of responsibilities.

Do not leave the screen dirty!

As the screen, the neglect of the cleanliness of the mind and maintenance of its activity has led to the accumulation of dust and blurred self. The soul is angry and lusting like a small plant without a pillar to support it. It grows in any direction and tilts toward the ground, depriving itself of reaching high lengths where the sun and the fresh air necessary for its growth. So that they may drown in the clay to die and decay and decompose before they bear fruit and flourish.

The plant, which is based on the strong wedge, finds in this wedge the necessary calendar and the true support to resist the whims and desires of the human in the low and tingling towards the desire and enjoyment of illegal and undermine its existence. The patient learns about the deprivation until the conditions are ripe for him to collect his happiness in the legitimate and sound ways that maintain his dignity and dignity, while giving it the right to pleasure without harming its existence, so that it serves the satisfaction of man for his enjoyment of his human project towards civilization and progress. Rather than being drugged and discouraging him from performing his duty towards himself and society.

How does the mind strengthen?

How can we find out the dust and dust accumulated on it, which is confusing his vision of the truth? This is achieved by two things: to strengthen the mind to perform its function and then to overcome the obstacles that face the body from obeying his orders when issuing it. The first title is the answer to science; the intellect, armed with science and the ability to think properly and reasoning can reach a great success rate of good decision, and is characterized by humility in front of the superior mind than in science is not ashamed or find embarrassment or anger in himself to use the best mind in consulting and compensate for the lack of Science.

The second heading is to foment anger and desire and harness them in the service of reason. This does not mean - and I focus here on this point strongly - the suppression of anger and desire and the adoption of the philosophy of deprivation unjust, but the adaptation and adaptation and training of the soul that does not require integration in any matter of life only through legitimate channels of legislation appropriate to human nature and suitable for integration. There are acquired skills such as patience and firmness with self and commitment to responsibility until the goal is achieved. These skills have an interest in all aspects of life. Not just lusts, anger and self-struggle. Every project in which a human is needed requires insight and prudence, as well as recklessness, lack of pride, or rush towards quick false results that carry real long-lasting pain;

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