Reading Soul Food - You can not imagine a life worthy of a person without conscious reading
Reading Soul Food - You can not imagine a life worthy of a person without conscious reading

They say: Reading is the food of the soul and I say that it is the soul itself, imagine yourself, my friend, you who read my words now can not read and can not explore the different paths of knowledge and can not be guided by the experiences of others. And his entity - tell me what you read less for you than you - so one of the wise spoke and was quite right in my opinion, without reading withering the mind of man and diminish his luster, and then what is man, my friend?
Human and Philosophy
The human being from the point of view of mental philosophy is primarily a spoken animal, it is an animal because it is a moving living organism and is integrated with the material needs such as food, drink and housing, but it is a speaker that is sane, it is able to search for the causes of things and research, questioning, experimentation, simulation, .. A sane being distinguished from other creatures with the mind first and since the mind is inherent in man and without him does not be a human being originally was the mental needs are inherent in the human being is what makes him a human originally,
He asks for the materialism as mentioned above, but he progresses to other creatures in his ability to ask for mental and cognitive qualities in various sciences. If a man does not read as he should and does not know as well as he should know, how can we become human beings in the proper sense of the word? Distinct and brilliant, it is the mind my friend, without him and without his ability to know what I was writing now and for what you are reading these words.
Ignorance is the origin of all vices
Plato said: "Ignorance is the origin of all vices." And with the lack of reading, ignorance increases and therefore the lack of reading is a lot of vice, necessarily, and vice is not necessarily a lie or a theft, but lying is vice and theft is vice and injustice in general a vice, whether unjust or unjust To the community as a whole, all these vices and all arise because of ignorance, either because of ignorance of the reality of yourself or ignorance of the reality of the other or ignorance of nature and laws or science and jurisprudence or philosophy and research,
In the latter, injustice is ignorance, ignorance is wrong, injustice is first, which forgets its nature, its mental dimension, and the injustice of the society. Second, it drowns in the darkness of ignorance, while those who cast themselves in the sea of science and knowledge and drown but in the drowning of life. The reader can live a thousand lives. "Reading alone is what gives one person more than one life, because it increases this life deep, even if it does not prolong it by the amount of calculation," he says. "By reading, man becomes a true human being.
History is not over as long as we can read
Today, our world is devoid of virtue, because it has become a world that does not read. The rules of material life have become entrenched in the mind of modern man. The routine life of robotics has become a reality in many people's lives. Thinkers such as Francis Fukuyama look at the end of history and the end of the path of human thought and the end of the cognitive, philosophical, political, economic and moral debate, thinking that man has read enough and has learned enough and that now is the time to reap the fruits of the past, as if the world in this pattern requires the human not to read and N does not know the new, but I am confident that the nature of the human - mental - in the last bet will earn and will end speech ends this opens up new prospects for the beginnings of dealing with human civilization, philosophy and ethics novel approach to a better human being and humanity in general.
The struggle lies behind the ability to ask, the top of the struggle to be able to ask in a world where material and wealth are entrenched in everything. If a person does not know if he does not read, reading is my way to a better world. In which injustice and shining the sun of justice that was and still is seeking human, it is not too late to re-read, Fukuyama has wronged history has not ended as long as the human being is rational and able to ask new questions always and able to answer with new answers more objective and more accurate, Except what he read my friend and what we are only what we read.
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